Integrated Genetics & Genomics Graduate Seminar Series: "Advancing Genomic Technologies to Mitigate the Threat of Ticks and Arthropod Vectors Pests"

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1022 Green Hall

Perot Saelao, Acting-Research Leader, VPGRU, presents "Advancing Genomic Technologies to Mitigate the Threat of Ticks and Arthropod Vectors Pests".

Perot Saelao obtained his PhD from the University of Davis, California. He is a Bioinformatics Researcher and Acting-Research Leader at the Veterinary Pest Genetics Research Unit with Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Kerrville, TX. Currently, he is working on adapting genomic sequencing methods to improve genetic resources available to study vector pests and other insect species.

Host: Huaijun Zhou (

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