Venkatesan Sundaresan

Venkatesan Sundaresan headshot

Position Title
Distinguished Professor

  • Plant Biology
  • Plant Sciences
2133 Green Hall

Research Interests

My lab’s research focus is on plant reproduction, particularly the genetics and genomics of this process using Arabidopsis and rice as model systems. We aim to understand the underlying mechanisms and employ genome editing techniques to enable asexual reproduction in crop plants, which can revolutionize agricultural practices. Additionally, we study root microbiomes, exploring their assembly, structure, and function. Our work delves into host-microbiome interactions in rice roots, seeking to uncover how these relationships influence plant growth and drought tolerance. Through these studies, we aim to enhance crop resilience and productivity, contributing to sustainable agriculture and food security.

For details please see the lab website at

Education and Degree(s)
  • B.Sc. in Physics, University of Poona
  • M.Sc. in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology
  • M.S. in Physics, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Ph.D. in Biophysics, Harvard University
