John H. Gillespie

John Gillespie

Position Title
Professor Emeritus

  • Evolution and Ecology

Research Interests

Population genetics with an emphasis on molecular evolution. Natural selection in randomly fluctuating environments. Stochastic processes in molecular evolution.

Education and Degree(s)
  • 1966 B.S. in Zoology, University of Maryland
  • 1970 Ph.D. in Zoology, University of Texas
  • Gillespie JH. 2000. Genetic drift in an infinite population: the pseudohitchhiking model. Genetics. 155:909-919
  • Gillespie JH. 1999. The role of population size in molecular evolution. Theoretical Population Biology. 55:145-156
  • Gillespie JH. 1997. Junk ain't what junk does: neutral alleles in a selected context. Gene. 205:291-299
