Terence M. Murphy

Terence Murphy

Position Title
Professor Emeritus

  • Plant Biology

Research Interests

Enzymes of DNA repair. Identification of plants in forensic situations.

CBS Graduate Group Affiliations

Education and Degree(s)
  • 1964 B.S. in Biology, California Institute of Technology
  • 1968 Ph.D. in Cell Biology, University of California, San Diego
  • Ben-Yehuda N, Murphy TM. 2010.  Rope from the Christmas Cave:  In search of the Talmudic hemp.  Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 50: 14-19.
  • Murphy TM, Ben-Yehuda N, Taylor RE, Southon JR.  2011.  Hemp in Ancient Rope and Fabric from the Christmas Cave in Israel:  Talmudic Background and DNA Sequence Identification.  Journal of Archaeological Science 38: 2579-2588.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2011.05.004
  • Murphy TM and Bola, G.  2013.   DNA identification of Salvia divinorum samples.  Forensic Science International—Genetics.  7:189-193.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2012.04.004
  • Ng AE, Sandoval E and Murphy TM.  2015.  Identification and individualization of Lophophora using DNA analysis of the trnL/trnF region and rbcL gene.  Journal of Forensic Sciences.  doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12936
  • Adams KR, Johnson KL, and Murphy TM.  2015.  Prehistoric Puebloan yucca (Yucca) quids with wild tobacco (Nicotiana) contents: molecular and morphological evidence from Antelope Cave, northwestern Arizona.  Journal of Field Archaeology 40:310-324.  doi 10.1179/2042458214Y.0000000006
