Position Title
Professor Emeritus
Position Title
Professor Emeritus
- Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Education and Degree(s)
- 1968 B.A. in American Studies, Michigan State University
- 1971 M.S. in Physiology, Michigan State University
- 1973 Ph.D. in Physiology, Michigan State University
- WJ Weidner, JD Furlow and DS Waddell (2006) Measurement of the filtration coefficient (Kfc)in the lung of Gallus Domesticus and the effects of increased microvascular permeability. J. Comp. Pjysiol. [B] 176: 567-574.
- Weidner WJ. Ambit de la fisiologia. California- Cataluyna, les relaciones cientifiques i acadmeiques. Temes de Recerca i Innovacio. Num 2 Generalitat de Catalunya. www.gencat.cat/recerca/temesri (2006)
- WJ Weidner, et al. Effect of extracellular fluid volume expansion on the interparabronchial septum of the avian lung. J. Comp. Path. 127:219- 222, 2002
- Weidner WJ, LA Selna, DE McClure, and DO Defouw. 1993. Effect of extracellular fluid volume expansion on avian lung fluid balance. Respiratory Physiology 91:125-136.