International Consortium Officially Launches Earth BioGenome Project in London

Mosaic of animals
UC Davis is the administrative home for the Earth BioGenome Project, a global effort to sequence the genetic code of all the planet’s eukaryotes — some 1.5 million known species including all known plants, animals, protozoa and fungi. (Credit: Thinkstock)

International Consortium Officially Launches Earth BioGenome Project in London

Key scientific partners and funders from around the globe gathered in London today to officially launch the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), a global effort to sequence the genetic code of all the planet’s eukaryotes — some 1.5 million known species, including all plants, animals, protozoa and fungi.

Today also marks the announcement by the Wellcome Sanger Institute that it will lead the UK contribution to the EBP by sequencing all 66,000 eukaryotic species across the British Isles, a new project known as the Darwin Tree of Life ProjectThe Wellcome Sanger Institute, a nonprofit based in the UK, is one of the world’s leading genome centers.

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