Three UC Davis students, including two from the College of Biological Sciences, have won the highly prestigious and competitive Barry Goldwater Scholarship.
Every year, the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation honors fewer than 500 undergraduate second- and third-year students from across the country with scholarships recognizing their science, technology, engineering and mathematics research accomplishments and future potential.
The college’s top graduating seniors were honored for their achievements at an award ceremony on Saturday, June 3. The event included both college and campus awards.
With promising futures ahead for each, the students took to the mic upon receiving their awards to share their post-graduation plans, including remaining at UC Davis for graduate school, attending medical school and continued volunteer and community service efforts.
College of Biological Science student, Naomi Murray ’21, who is majoring in evolution, ecology and biodiversity, has just been awarded the prestigious Marshall Scholarship. She will pursue two Master of Science degrees, one in climate change at University College London, the other in science communication at the University of Manchester to help her communicate about climate change.
During his years at the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences, Adam Chaban devoted himself to those in need. As chief of staff for the Joan Viteri Memorial Clinic (JVMC), Chaban worked to ensure that marginalized populations in the Greater Sacramento area didn't fall through the cracks in the healthcare system. For his leadership, scholarship, integrity and service to the university community, Chaban received the Veloyce Glenn Winslow Jr. Award.
One of the recipients of this year’s College of Biological Sciences’ Undergraduate of the Year Award is Tara Shahrvini, a graduating senior double majoring in neurobiology, physiology and behavior and Spanish.
One of the recipients of both this year’s Ronald and Lydia Baskin Research Award and the Undergraduate Student of the Year award is Caroline Liu, a graduating senior majoring in neurobiology, physiology and behavior.
Congratulations to Wai Lone Jonathan Ho, a graduating senior majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology, for being one of the recipients of this year’s Ronald and Lydia Baskin Research Award and the recipient of the College of Biological Sciences Medal.
Our DNA is built of base pairs, a spiral ladder of adenines, cytosines, guanines and thymines. In this molecular dance, adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. Undergraduate researcher Madeline Bright is trying to figure out just how damage to our DNA at the molecular level leads to disease-causing mutations.
Two University of California, Davis, juniors are among the winners of what is the nation’s premier undergraduate award of its type in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering. Honoring the late U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater, the federally endowed Goldwater Scholarship Program was designed to encourage outstanding students to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering.