Aging, neurodegenerative disorders and metabolic disease are all linked to mitochondria, structures within our cells that generate chemical energy and maintain their own DNA. In a fundamental discovery with far-reaching implications, scientists at the University of California, Davis, now show how cells control DNA synthesis in mitochondria and couple it to mitochondrial division.

Accelerated Development of Aging Researchers-Honors

The UC Davis Accelerated Development of Aging Researchers-Honors Program supports upper division undergraduate students who plan to pursue advanced degrees and research careers in aging-related areas.

ADAR-Honors is a one-to-two-year program that begins the summer after sophomore or junior year. Outstanding rising juniors, seniors and transfer students, are invited to apply for this program. Students who did not participate in the lower division ADAR program are eligible to apply.

ADAR and ADAR-Honors are funded by the National Institute on Aging.


Junior Year
  • Summer includes full-time faculty mentored research; and participation in weekly meetings covering topics such as research ethics, effective presentation design, poster presentation, journal club.
  • Academic year includes part-time faculty mentored research; journal club; quarterly professional development seminar (BIS 198); presentation of research at a national conference and at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference; science outreach; special aging-related research seminars.
Senior Year
  • Summer includes full-time aging research at another institution.
  • Academic year includes part-time faculty mentored research; journal club; quarterly professional development seminar (BIS 198); presentation of research at a national conference and at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference.


  • pays for a portion of tuition and fees
  • provides stipends to undertake research projects in UC Davis faculty laboratory during the first summer ($4,800) and academic years ($1,120 per quarter)
  • provides stipends to an extramural research experience at another university during the summer ($4,800, plus a cost-of-living allowance and travel expenses)
  • provides funding for conference attendance and participation
  • provides professional development opportunities and advising

ADAR-Honors Participant Obligations

  • commit 24 months to the program
  • engage in research 10 hours per week during the academic year
  • engage in research 40 hours per week during the summer
  • participate in a research program at another university during the second summer
  • attend all regularly scheduled meetings, program workshops and functions
  • meet regularly with an ADAR Honors adviser
  • register for and attend the BIS 198 seminar quarterly
  • maintain competitive GPA
  • actively engage in their research lab, attend lab meetings etc.