National Institutes of Health

3D Genome Structure Guides Sperm Development

A single set of genetic instructions produces thousands of structures in our bodies – from nerve cells that branch like gnarled oak trees, to osteoblast cells that sculpt minerals into bone. It begins with the delicate formation of sperm and eggs – which ignite the miraculous unfurling of an entire body from a single cell.

For this to happen, DNA must be precisely folded and coiled into the sperm and egg cells – creating a structure that coordinates thousands of genes, says Satoshi Namekawa, a professor of microbiology and molecular genetics.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Why Zika Virus Hijacks a Protein Needed for Brain Growth

The mosquito-borne Zika virus is known for causing microcephaly, a birth defect in which abnormal brain development results in a smaller-than-expected head. A new study published Jan. 13 in mBio shows that the Zika virus hijacks a host protein called ANKLE2, which happens to be important for brain development, to assist its own reproduction. Because Zika, unlike most related viruses, can cross the placenta, this can have disastrous consequences in pregnancy.

Invisible Anatomy in the Fruit Fly Uterus

You have likely not spent much time thinking about the uterus of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. But then, neither have most scientists, even though Drosophila is one of the most thoroughly studied lab animals. Now a team of biologists at the University of California, Davis, has taken the first deep look at the Drosophila uterus and found some surprises, which could have implications not just for understanding insect reproduction and potentially, pest control, but also for understanding fertility in humans.

New Research Suggests Cerebellum May Play Important Role in Autism

Researchers in the College of Biological Sciences have received a grant to study the role of the cerebellum in autism. “We need a more holistic understanding of the brain circuits that drive this disorder,” says Alex Nord, an associate professor of neurobiology, physiology and behavior (NPB), and a researcher at the Center for Neuroscience (CNS). “The cerebellum is a key component that has been largely overlooked until recently.”

Discovery Hints at Genetic Basis for the Most Challenging Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Our understanding of schizophrenia has increased greatly in recent years, as studies of large groups of people have identified a multitude of genetic variants that increase a person’s risk of the disease. But each of those individual risk factors accounts for “only a very minor amount of the overall risk,” said Alex Nord, a professor of neurobiology, physiology and behavior in the College of Biological Sciences and the Center for Neuroscience.

Plant Biologists Identify Promising New Fungicides

A promising new fungicide to fight devastating crop diseases has been identified by researchers at the University of California, Davis. The chemical, ebselen, prevented fungal infections in apples, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes and roses, and improved symptoms of pre-existing fungal infection in rice.

New Research Identifies Protein Integral to Sperm Development and Male Fertility

Early in the development of sperm, a strange event happens: the X and Y chromosomes condense into tight packages and are sequestered away from the other 44 human chromosomes. If any part of this process goes awry, the cells cannot mature into sperm. Researchers in the College of Biological Sciences have now identified an important link in this process — a little-known protein called ATF7IP2.